Running for the Love of Dogs and Cats

Running for the Love of Dogs and Cats

Each year, Vietnam faces a heartbreaking reality as people kill millions of dogs and cats for their meat. For animal lovers, especially those who hold a special place in their hearts for these pets, this practice is both unacceptable and distressing. Therefore, driven by a deep love for dogs and cats, WINVN is taking a stand by participating in the Virtual Run – Running for the Millions of Dogs and Cats, a project led by Four Paws. This initiative reflects our collective effort to end the consumption of dog and cat meat in Vietnam and advocate for a more compassionate treatment of animals.

The Dire Situation: Dog and Cat Meat Trade in Vietnam

According to Four Paws, people slaughter up to 6 million dogs and cats for their meat every year in Vietnam. This statistic highlights the urgent need for change. In addition, a recent survey reveals that 6.3% of Vietnamese people still consume dog and cat meat. However, a significant 88% of the population supports the government’s efforts to ban this practice. Consequently, this strong support, especially from the younger generation, indicates a growing shift in attitudes towards animal welfare.

Rising Awareness Among the Youth

Moreover, the increasing awareness among Vietnam’s youth offers hope for the future. Many young people now commit themselves to protecting dogs and cats, driven by a sense of compassion and responsibility. This growing consciousness plays a crucial role in driving societal change and pushing for legal reforms. At WINVN, our team embodies this youthful spirit and commitment. Thus, our participation in the Virtual Run demonstrates our dedication to this cause. We aim to contribute to the movement against the dog and cat meat trade and, therefore, promote a more humane society.

WINVN’s Engaging Efforts: Running with Purpose

Furthermore, the Virtual Run – Running for the Millions of Dogs and Cats goes beyond a fitness event for WINVN. It symbolizes our commitment to improving the lives of dogs in Vietnam. Each step we take helps raise awareness and support this noble cause. This initiative not only advances our fight against the meat trade but also enhances the physical fitness and sportsmanship spirit among our team members. By participating in this event, we combine our passion for animal welfare with personal health and well-being.

How You Can Support the Cause

We invite you to join us in making a difference. Supporting our efforts helps protect these innocent animals and contributes to a future where they receive the respect and care they deserve. Caring for pets involves more than affection; it includes providing them with safe and healthy products. At WINVN, we offer natural toy options such as the Coffee Wood Chew Toy and Hemp Ball, designed to ensure your pets’ well-being. Visit to explore these products and stay updated on our latest initiatives.

In conclusion, let’s run towards a world where every dog and cat is safe and loved. Your support will help us achieve this vision and bring about the change that these animals desperately need.

————————————————————————————————————————————————————WINVN INT CO., LTD
Natural joy made in Vietnam
☎️ +84 932 118 447
📌 29, 29 Street, Van Phuc Residence, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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