Return Policy

We deeply value and appreciate our buyers’ trust in choosing our products. Our return policy is designed to ensure peace of mind and protection for our partners, addressing any potential issues with your purchase.

Product Inspection and Quality Assurance

All products undergo rigorous quality checks before leaving our factory. However, occasional issues may arise during long-distance sea transport, leading to damage or defects that were not present at shipment. Our return policy covers such circumstances to safeguard our buyers.

Conditions for Returns and Replacements

You are eligible for a return or replacement if:

  • The delivered products differ in quantity, information, or design from your original order.
  • The products are damaged due to manufacturing defects or transportation issues (e.g., deformation, stains, cracks).

Return Process

  1. Upon receiving your goods, inspect them and record videos showing any issues or discrepancies.
  2. Provide evidence if the products do not meet quality standards or if there are defects or missing items.
  3. Submit this evidence to us for verification. We will then arrange for returns or provide additional items if necessary.

Natural joy made in Vietnam
☎️ +84 932 118 447
📌 29, 29 Street, Van Phuc Residence, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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